6月4日(土) 13:30~15:00 <参加費無料> ※英日同時通訳
学校法人城西大学 東京紀尾井町キャンパスB1Fホール
〒102-0094 東京都千代田区紀尾井町3-26
A question: why did Kurosawa, younger and more "experimental" than either Ozu or Mizoguchi, continue to make black and white films long after both of these directors had switched to color? This talk will explore the early black and white films, in their formal and connotative (historical) dimensions. It will consider work that spans Sugata Sanshiro (1943) and Akahige (1965), with particular focus on Waga seishun ni kuinashi, his first post-war film, and Rashomon. Situated as these films are in the aftermath of the war, we will consider the ways they also relate to the 1920s and the 1930s, specifically to the earthquake of 1923, and to the manifold significance silent films had for Kurosawa.
問題:小津や溝口がカラーに切り替えたあともなぜ、彼らより若く、より「実験的である」黒澤が、モノクロ映画を製作し続けたのか。この講演では、初期のモノクロ映画を、それらの形式的および内包的(歴史的)な特質において探求していきます。「姿三四郎」(1943)から「赤ひげ」(1965)までの作品を、特に戦後初作品である「わが青春に悔なし」と「羅生門」に焦点をあてて考察します。これらの作品は戦後間もない時期に製作されていますが、これらが、 1920年代・1930年代と、とりわけ1923年の関東大震災と、そしてサイレント映画が黒沢に与えた様々な意義と、どのように関係しているかを考えていきます。
Paul Anderer's teaching and research interests begin with modern Japanese literature, film, and criticism, and topically, with the culture of cities, fictional topography, and modernist aesthetics. He chairs the inter-departmental committee that maintains undergraduate, general education courses relating to Asia. His writings include OtherWorlds: Arishima Takeo and the Bounds of Modern Japanese Fiction (Columbia, 1984) and Literature of the Lost Home: Kobayashi Hideo-Literary Criticism, 1924-1939 (Stanford, 1995; paperback edition, 1999). He has received awards from the NEH, the SSRC, the Japan Foundation, and the Fulbright Commission. He served as Department chair (1989-1997), as Acting Dean of the Graduate School (1990-91), and as Director of the Keene Center for Japanese Culture (1991-93). Graduate students he has sponsored include those with fulltime positions at London, Nagoya, Michigan, NYU, UCLA, Wellesley, Stanford, and Yale.
Professor Anderer was educated at Michigan, Chicago, and Yale. He has held either teaching or research appointments at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Notre Dame, and Kinki University. He joined the Columbia faculty in 1980; in 2002, he was named the deBary/Class of '41 Professor of Asian Humanities.
学校法人城西大学 東京紀尾井町キャンパス B1Fホール