6月25日(土) 13:00~17:00 <参加費無料> ※英日・西日同時通訳
学校法人城西大学 東京紀尾井町キャンパスB1Fホール
〒102-0094 東京都千代田区紀尾井町3-26
FAX 03-6238-1299 学校法人城西大学「シンポジウム事務局」宛
"Don Quixote, East and West"
How has Don Quixote been interpreted in different historical and cultural contexts, East and West?
This symposium will explore this question, looking at the work's reception in various cultural traditions. Some possible topics to be addressed include, but are not limited to, the following:
How the text influenced certain writers or literary movements in a specific national or cultural setting.
How artistic, theatrical, or film renditions of the text reflect particular political or cultural concerns.
How changing cultural contexts influenced the interpretation of Don Quixote over time.
The history of the publication and reception of translations of Don Quixote.
The legacy of Don Quixote in Spanish literary and cultural history.
城西国際大学比較文化研究所・城西大学語学教育センター 共催
学校法人城西大学 東京紀尾井町キャンパス B1Fホール