JICPAS issues an English-language magazine "Review of Japanese Culture and Society" offering an international analysis of Japanese people and culture. This magazine is published with a view to enhance international recognition of Japanese culture and its society as well as to stimulate mutual understanding and study the methods of cultural theory.

- Introduction to “Working Words: New Approaches to Japanese Studies"
- Jordan Sand
Alan Tansman
Dennis Washburn
- 音楽 Ongaku,Onkyō/Music, Sound
- Hosokawa Shūhei
- 史学 Shigaku/History
- Thomas Keirstead
- 懺悔 Zange/Confession
- Christine Marran
- 美人 Bijin/Beauty
- Miya Elise Mizuta
- おたく Otaku/Geek
(translated by Dennis Washburn)
- Morikawa Kaichiro
- 中流 Chūryū/Middling
- Jordan Sand
- 郷土 Kyōdo/Native Soil (translated by Jordan Sand)
- Satō Kenji
- 記憶 Kioku,思い出 Omoide/Memory
- Mariko Asano Tamanoi
- サブライム Saburaimu/Sublime
- Alan Tansman
- 科学 Kagaku, 究理 Kyūri/Science
(translated by Matthew Fargo and Jordan Sand)
- Tsukahara Togo
- 文学 Bungaku/Literature
- Dennis Washburn
- 洋画 Yōga/The Western Painting,
National Painting, and Global Painting of Japan
- Bert Winther-Tamaki
- Translated Essays
- Excerpts from The Legends of Japan (1929)
(translated by David Humphrey)
- Yanagita Kunio
- “Being" and “Doing" (1958)
(translated by Dennis Washburn)
- Maruyama Masao
- Group Characteristics Based on “Place" (1967)
(translated by Paul Roquet)
- Nakane Chie
- The First Stirrings of Folk Scholarship (Minkangaku) in Modern Japan (1983)
(translated by David Henry)
- Kano Masanao
- Art in Focus
- Voices of Mono-ha Artists: Contemporary Art in Japan,Circa 1970
(from a panel discussion at the University of Southern California,February 2012)
(transcribed by Hayato Fujioka)
(translated by Rika Iezumi Hiro and Reiko Tomii, with Mika Yoshitake)
- Reiko Tomii, Section Editor
- What Is Mono-ha?
- Mika Yoshitake
- Six Contradictions of Mono-ha
- Reiko Tomii
- Dialogue 1
- Sekine Nobuo and Koshimizu Susumu, with Joan Kee
- Dialogue 2
- Lee Ufan and Suga Kishio, with Mika Yoshitake
- Dialogue 3
- Haraguchi Noriyuki with Reiko Tomii
- Roundtable
- Haraguchi Noriyuki, Koshimizu Susumu, Lee Ufan, Sekine Nobuo,
and Suga Kishio,with Hollis Goodall
- Beyond Being and Nothingness: On Sekine Nobuo (1970-71)
(translated by Reiko Tomii)
- Lee Ufan
- On the Contributors