This banner is designed from“Tayu and Kamuro(A Courtesan and an Attendant)”by Kitagawa Utamaro, Mizuta Museum of Art, Josai University Corporation

Back Issues (each)

No.30-31(Dec 2006)
Special issue

Leading Women in Meiji Japan
- 明治期の翔んでる女たち
Jan Bardsley

Fashioning the Feminine: Images of the Modern Girl Student in Meiji Japan
- フェミニンを装う: 袴を穿いた明治女学生
Rebecca Copeland

Kishida Toshiko and the Rise of the Female Speaker in Meiji Japan
- 岸田俊子と演説する女性の登場
Marnie S. Anderson

Wearing the White Ribbon of Reform and the Banner of Civic Duty: Yajima Kajiko and the Japan Woman's Christian Temperance Union in the Meiji Period
- 矯風の白いリボンと市民義務の旗を身に着けて: 矢嶋楫子と明治時代に於ける日本基督教婦人矯風会
Elizabeth Dorn Lublin

Time Capsules for Tradition: Repositioning Imperial Convents for the Meiji Period
- 日本の伝統的な文化のタイムカプセルの尼寺─明治時代の比丘尼御所の特質を中心に
Gina Cogan

Women Onnagata in the Porous Labyrinth of Femininity: On Ichikawa Kumehachi I
- 女形と女役者の迷路:市川九女八論
Maki Isaka

Constructing and Gendering Women's Speech: Integrated Language Policy through School Textbooks in Meiji Japan
- 「女性語」はこうして創られた: 明治の教科書と言語政策
Rika Saito

Gendering Meiji Japan, Gendering World History: Insights from Mr. Kushami's Cat
- 日本の明治をジェンダーする、世界の歴史をジェンダーする: 苦沙弥先生の猫の立場から
Sally A. Hastings

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